Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Pic Collage

I am completely into fun apps for elementary learning.  I wanted to share an activity that we did last year.  We were doing a lesson about habitats.  First, I had the students draw a picture of their house (habitat) and label where they get their food, space, shelter, and water.  Then, they took a screen shot of it and uploaded it into Pic Collage.  

Next, we discussed how animals get their food, water, shelter and space.  Then, they had to pick an animal and draw its habitat with labels.  When they were finished, they uploaded the second picture to Pic Collage.  This way they were able to compare how a human's habitat is different from an animal's habitat side by side.

Pic Collage is a free app that you can use for so many different purposes.  I am going to use it in my Word Work station this year and have students move letters around instead of using paper letters.  For more information about Pic Collage go to this link:
Hope everyone has a great school year!


  1. Great sharing, great ideas and sounds like great fun. Thanks, i'll go check out pic collage. A

    1. It is so much fun for the kids to use. Adult, too!

  2. What a great assignment. How fun is that! I bet the kids loved it!

    1. They did love it. There are a bunch of different layouts so you can create just about anything.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This looks likes a good resource for elementary school. In my first year teaching I had a veteran administrator say to me, "If you have the choice between having fun and not having fun, choose fun". It looks like you subscribe to that advice as well. I can imagine your students feel lucky they have you as their teacher.

    1. Thank you! I like to have fun just as much as the students do. It is truly amazing the deeper level of learning that occurs when we make the lessons fun and engaging!

  5. Super cute - thanks for sharing; I'll share this with some primary colleagues.

    1. It has so many uses for primary students and it's free!

  6. Cool project idea! Thanks for sharing! This app definitely looks fun.

    1. It is such a fun app. You can also air drop layouts that you have already created if you need to save time.

  7. Thanks for sharing! In 7th grade, we are going to try to use the Daily 3 method and I never thought about using an app like this for Word Work. I think that my students with disabilities would love this!

    1. I think that would be a great idea. It is very easy to use and I think they will really enjoy it.

  8. Thank you for sharing! I think this would be a fun AP to use in many different settings. I bet the kids had a lot of fun with this.

    1. They really do enjoy it. It's super easy for the, to use and it gives them the freedom to create something original.
