Wednesday, June 29, 2016

543: Webinar-Introduction to bundling the NGSS

I participated in the webinar, Introduction to bundling the NGSS.  Essentially, the webinar discussed the reasons behind bundling the NGSS and different ways to do it.

The presenters explained that the standards are referred to as Performance Expectation.  The performance expectations are three-dimensional.  They are made up of: practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.

Before, most teachers taught the standards one-by-one.  So why would they want to bundle them?  Three reasons: 1-students can show connections between connections between ideas, 2-facilitate phenomenon-driven ideas, and 3-save instructional time.

The presenters stressed that the NGSS document is not a curriculum and is a resource.  It is a living document and is not perfect.

There was not a lot of back-channeling, but there was a little bit going on on Twitter.

Here is the recorded webinar:

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