Thursday, December 3, 2015

541: Final Blog Entry-Reflect and Assess

Final Reflection

As the course comes to an end, I have to look back and realize how much I have grown since the beginning of the semester.  I have enjoyed learning about so many different ways to use technology and creating projects to go with them.  Here are some of the highlights from this semester.

What I Have Learned:

  • There needs to be a relative advantage to using technology in the classroom.
  • There are so many software support tools that support both the teacher and the student.
  • An iPad has so many accessibility features that I never realized it had.
  • Social networking can be so valuable for authentic collaboration outside of the classroom.
  • Every technology resource needs to be used intentionally and strategically for it to have a significant impact on student learning.

How Theory Guided Project and Assignment Development:

  • I like to follow a mostly constructivist approach, so I try to step back to allow students to explore, discover, and create, while I facilitate and provide support when needed.
  • This caused me to create projects and assignments where students are the focal point of the lesson and they can create meaning through doing.  
  • I tried to create lessons that has little direct instruction.  The less I talk, the more students can do and learn.
  • In most of my assessments, students have a lot of flexibility to create a project that suits their creative abilities.  I give them certain parameters that have to meet and how they go about meeting those parameters is up to them.

AECT Mastery:

  • Standard 1: Content Knowledge: During the course I had to learn new ways to use technology.  Each module gave me an opportunity to become familiar with a different way to implement technology.  I had to read in the Roblyer book about the topic and final addition resources to back my opinions in my blogs.
  • Standard 2: Content Pedagogy: I had to learn about a new ways to use technology to enhance my pedagogy and support student learning.  I was able to create different ways to implement the technology into my lessons and create ways to assess student learning.  I also had to be reflective and evaluate if the technology was effective and if it enhanced the lessons successful.  
  • Standard 5: Research: At the beginning of the course I read about different learning theories that have shaped educational technology.  Throughout the rest of the course, I was always finding new resources and finding out what other experts had to say on each of the topics.  While I was gaining more content knowledge, I was researching the topics and referencing experts in my blogs.  Technology is always changing, so I know that it is important to stay up-to-date with the changes and innovations.  I am also collaborating with my peers in this class and viewing the research that they have found.

Professional Growth:

  • I feel that I have vastly grown professionally over this course.
  • I have been finding research to support how to implement technology in my classroom.
  • I have expanded my content knowledge on education technology immensely.
  • I have expanded my resources to enhance my astronomy pedagogy.  I can use simulations, games, tutorials, and drill-and-practice software to get students to a deeper level of learning.

Course Impacts on My Teaching:

  • I have created new ways that I can facilitate learning and allow students to drive their learning.
  • This will allow me serve as a support when students need help instead of stand at the front of the room and talk.
  • I have learned accessibility tools on the iPads that I will use with students that need them.
  • I will be able to bundle many different standards into the astronomy unit and technology will help make reaching these standards easier.
  • I will also be intentional about picking technology resources and determine if there is a relative advantage before choosing it.

Self-Assessment of Blogs

  • The content of my blogs was full of detailed information that related to the module topic. I found other articles from educational magazines and journals to support and back up my thoughts on the topic. I provided personal situations when I had prior experience with it.  I also included links to examples of resources when available so that other classmates could utilize them as well.  (67/70)
Readings and Resources
  • Every blog post had references from the reading in APA format.  Most of the blog posts also had APA references from other sources to support the blog topic. (20/20)
  • All of the posts were posted early in the week to provide others a chance to reply.  I tried to get my readings and blogs done in the first two days of each module. (20/20)
Responses to Other Students
  • I responded to at least two other classmates’ blogs for every module.  I tried to always provide a detailed response that supported a point that they made or to ask questions to probe for more information.  (28/30)
Total score for blogs: 135/140